March 2024

A MAGAZ INE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MAIA ZINE MARCH ISSUE, 2024 FINANCIAL AID How to compare your offers BRE AKING Glass Ceilings Read about a COO finding success in a maledominated industr y and working hard to inspire girls around the world. Relationships Financial Compatabilit y VS. Physical Attraction - which matters most? And what about financial infidelit y? Want to Work in Finance? A Head of Financials in an investment company shares his experience. A young Investment Associate in Singapore talks about his journey.

ARTICLES CONTENTS Roles in Business and Finance Facts About Girls and Careers From Inspiring Understanding the Cost of College How to best compare your offers What do Gen Z Believe is More Important in Relationships? Find out what a survey revealed Physical Attraction vs Financial compatability. Warning Signs of Financial Infidelity Keeping financial secrets - is this a rising trend? HELPFUL TIPS Features Charting a Course in Finance Lauren Surzyn talks about her journey to becoming the successful COO of a hedge fund, and offers advice to students who want careers in the finance industry. A Day in the Life of a Busy Finance Executive We spoke to Raj Singh to find out what a day of a busy investment company executive looks like. From Liberal Arts to Finance Don’t want to limit yourself to a business school? Tokio Takai shows how a Bachelor Degree from a Liberal Arts College can lead to a great career in finance. SPOTLIGHTS UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA IE UNIVERSITY SHL LUCERNE H-FARM COLLEGE WINDESHEIM UNIVERSITY BISHOPS UNIVERSITY EHL HOSPITALITY BUSINESS SCHOOL JUSTICE COLLEGE BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 10 14 20 24 28 34 38 42 48 56 58 Here are some activities you could complete to learn more about finance and add to your resume. It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently. - Warren Buffet 4 9 46 52 54 Picture by DonkeyHotey on flickr (cc)

5 4 Here are some great opportunities to learn more and demonstrate your interest in finance and business. Complete this Future Learn course on Corporate Finance: A Beginners Guide. Enroll in EHL’s Junior Academy to look at the Business Side of Hospitality Management. Create Your own research project like this one with Polygence. Take part in a CCIR research program on Startup Financing and Investment Enroll in Bocconi’s summer school program on Finance led by Professors. Girls can join their local Inspiring Girls chapter to connect with Role Models. ROL ES TO RESEARCH IN F INANCE & BUSINESS So, you know you want to work in a business or finance setting, but don’t quite know what roles are available? Here are some to get your research started. If you have access to MaiaLearning, then the research is made easier with great information in the careers section of the platform. There you can see videos about roles, the education levels needed, average salaries, the work you would do each day, skills needed, major employers, and much more.

7 6 Charting a Course in Finance In the bustling world of finance, a field often depicted as a male-dominated arena, Lauren Surzyn is an inspiration to many. As the Chief Operating Officer of Kirkoswald, a successful asset management firm, Lauren's journey from a math-loving student to a prominent figure in finance is a story of personal achievement. She offers a possible road map for aspiring young minds interested in the financial sector. From Curiosity to COO Lauren's fascination with math, science, and problem-solving was evident early on. "As a little girl, I loved math, science, and problem solving, and took all the advanced courses offered at my boarding school," Lauren recalls. In fact, Lauren completed all of the math courses offered at her boarding school, so as a 12th-grader, she helped teach pre-calculus to 11th-grade classes. When looking for colleges, Lauren wanted to study somewhere that offered her the opportunity to continue taking the courses she excelled in, but also incorporated the disciplines of business and finance. This drive led her to Princeton University to study Operations Research and Financial Engineering, and later to UBS Investment Bank, when she joined the graduate training program in the Equities division. “I then worked in the Prime Brokerage division in both NYC and London, offering services to our hedge fund and asset management clients.” While working, Lauren also attended Columbia Business School to continue to hone her skills by taking practical courses taught by acclaimed business practitioners across industries. With a blend of academic excellence and real-world experience, Lauren was appointed US Chief Operating Officer at Kirkoswald. A Day in the Life Lauren's role is varied because as Chief Operating Officer she oversees various parts of the business besides investing; such as managing people, making sure rules are followed, running operations, handling technology, promoting the business, dealing with brokers, managing public image, checking operational details, and planning strategy. "My day revolves around leading strategic business initiatives to ensure that best-inclass practices are implemented firm-wide," she explains. This involves a mix of meetings, listening to suggestions posed by her teammates, making suggestions to her management committee on initiatives they can pursue, and troubleshooting any issues that may arise. The job requires an analytical mindset, attention to detail, and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment—skills Lauren identifies as crucial for success in finance. “Methodical thinking, being deliberate, and listening to others are essential,” she said. Balancing Act The finance industry has a reputation as being demanding. Maintaining a work-life balance is important to Lauren, who starts her day early to carve out time for exercise, family, and work. “I try to spend 20 minutes with my family before I head to work. When I come home from work, I read and play games with my children, catch up with my husband, and then log back in to respond to work matters or my volunteer work.” The Journey of a Successful Chief Operating Officer

9 8 Lauren's approach shows the importance of structured scheduling and prioritizing personal well-being alongside professional responsibilities. Breaking Barriers The financial industry's gender dynamics are changing, and Lauren is at the forefront of this shift. "Yes, the financial services industry tends to be more male-dominated, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t a significant number of opportunities for women," she asserts. “Women have a different perspective and approach to business, and if you find a supportive environment where your voice and suggestions are welcome, you can thrive. More women are entering the financial services industry and are continuing in it longer. There are many successful role models to look up to.” Lauren feels the key to her success is constantly challenging herself to learn more and do more. Most importantly, she found mentors and sponsors who helped advocate for her throughout her career. This meant she had the opportunity to explore new roles and strive for promotions. Through hard work, supportive mentors, and advocating for herself, Lauren navigated her way through the industry, proving that women can thrive and lead in finance. Advice for Aspiring Financiers Lauren's guidance for high school students is clear: embrace challenging courses, connect with teachers, and seek leadership opportunities. She also advises students to “follow market-related and business news by reading the financial press such as Bloomberg or the Financial Times, and turn on Bloomberg TV or CNBC.” Finding interesting summer opportunities such as courses, independent research, and volunteer activities is also something Lauren advises. Importantly, Lauren wants to dispel the myth that a career in finance is solely about math, highlighting the diverse opportunities within the industry. “You can work in the finance industry without concentrating solely on finance. There are lots of roles, including sales, trading, and banking; as well as others in legal, compliance, HR, tech, marketing, operations, accounting, and strategy.” The Role of Technology In an era where technology underpins much of finance, Lauren advises students to engage with computer science, data science, and AI/ ML courses. "Technology is critical in all fields, especially finance," she notes, pointing out how coding skills can enhance efficiency and open new doors in the financial sector. Networking and Perseverance Developing strong networking skills is another piece of Lauren's advice. She encourages young people to build and maintain relationships across various settings, from classrooms to internships. "Cultivating a good network is like any life skill, the more you practice and lean in, the better the results," Lauren advises. “Spend time listening and getting to know people, ask questions and take note of what is said, and make sure to follow up and stay in touch.” Beyond the Office Besides her role as COO, Lauren passionately supports future female leaders through Inspiring Girls International. This international nonprofit aims to empower girls to challenge gender stereotypes and aim high. "The mission is to help girls reach for the stars professionally." She does this by connecting diverse role models with girls, and encourages students to join their local Inspiring Girls chapter to access free and inspirational resources. Final words of advice “Don’t be afraid to take risks and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Never give up! If you have a dream, go for it.” 7 ' Taken from the Inspiring Girls 2023 Annual Review BETWEEN THE AGES OF 13 AND 18 ken from Ins i g Girls Annual Report 2023

11 10 ONE OF AME RICA’ S BEST COLLEGES MONE Y MAGA ZI NE #2 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MI S) UNDE RGR ADUATE PROGR AM U. S . NEWS & WORLD REPORT, 2024 $761M+ IN ANNUAL RESE ARCH E XPENDITURES Tomorrow’s leaders get their star t at the Universit y of Arizona. Our top -ranked business programs, cut ting- edge technology, and exciting research oppor tunities take Wildcats to the top of their future f ields. DOWN TO BUSINESS BU N U.S. News & World Report ranks the Eller College of Management as one of the nation’s top 20 public undergraduate business programs. Through innovative academics and exceptional faculty, students become tomorrow’s leaders, entrepreneurs, and disruptors EXPLORE DEGREE PROGRAMS No matter what career field you’re considering, the University of Arizona is a top-tier research university that offers many ways to build résumébuilding experiences. Start by exploring our 150+ degree programs to find a path that’s right for you.

13 12 OF F I CE OF UNDERGRADUAT E ADM I SS I ONS PO BOX 210073, TUCSON , A Z 85721 - 0073 520.621 . 3237 | Find your personal Universit y of Arizona contac t at ind- recruiter CONNECT WI TH US uazadmissions universityofarizona AT ARIZONA.EDU/APPLY Applicants must have an unweighted overall grade point average of 2.0 (A = 4.0) in each subjec t area and may not have more than t wo def iciencies. Students may not have def iciencies in both math and laborator y science or in the same subjec t area. I f you’re in the top 25% of your class and have completed the core requirement s or have a 3.0 unweighted core GPA through your six th semester, you’re assured admission to the universit y. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 4 YEARS OF ENGLISH 4 YEARS OF MATHEMATICS 3 YEARS OF LAB SCIENCE 2 YEARS OF THE SAME SECOND LANGUAGE 2 YEARS OF SOCIAL SCIENCES (1 YEAR OF AMERICAN HISTORY) 1 YEAR OF FINE ARTS OR 1 YEAR OF CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) STARTYOUR JOURNEY TODAY ALL THE RESOURCES YOU NEED P LAN A V I S I T The sight s, the people, the feeling you get on campus – the bes t way to pic ture yourself here is by planning a visit . Chat with current s tudent s, learn about our his tor y and tradit ions, and fall in love with our beaut iful campus. TO SUCCEED O SU CATALYST STUDIOS In the heart of our thriving Student Success District, CATalyst Studios is where Wildcats bring their innovative ideas to life. This makerspace gives students access to technology including laser cutting, 3D printing, virtual reality equipment, and more. BLUE CHIP LEADERSHIP Among campus’ 400+ clubs and organizations, the Blue Chip Leadership Experience is a perfect way for Wildcats to make connections and prepare for their futures. Through special courses, workshops, and events, Blue Chip students strengthen their skills and start building their résumés from their first semesters on campus. TECH PARKS The University of Arizona’s Tech Parks bring business and technology together in innovative research parks. These spots are home to researchers, startups, and leading companies where students looking to get started in the business world can gain handson experience.

15 14 IE University was founded in 1973 with the ambition, from the outset, of being different. As diverse and international an institution as you’ll find anywhere in the world, we pride ourselves on innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit. Fundamentally, we’re about business. Our strong emphasis on the value of a comprehensive grounding in business and finance, even in programs that may initially seem unrelated, reflects an undeniable reality: that business matters, everywhere. Students who dream of a career in fashion, music, international relations or any other field will be better prepared for the realities of the world of work if they graduate with the tools to succeed in the business side of their profession. • Five years, two degrees, one aim: competitive edge • Two degrees of separation from other institutions • Our passion for business underpins all our programs DUAL DEGREES FOR A COMPET I T I VE ADVANTAGE Readying ambitious young minds for the realities of entrepreneurial life requires a grounding in business to go with the skills, drive and passion that will take them down their career path. That’s what our Dual Degrees are all about. Combining our challenging and international Bachelor in Business Administration with our other undergraduate programs offers students the chance to become multidisciplinary experts. A dual degree arms them with the tools and experience needed to solve problems at the intersection of their specializations and the business world. IE University’s programs carry a business focus, and their dual degrees connect business with whatever students are passionate about A dual degree at IE University offers the opportunity to gain two degrees in just five years. This is more than a chance to tailor your skills in one area of particular interest and broaden them in business—it’s a chance to gain a significant competitive edge in a dynamic labor market. A UN I QUE PERSPECT I VE ON THE FUTURE IE University student Tomás Lucero describes his experience as both eye-opening and enjoyable. During his Dual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations, he came to realize that business is tied up with international affairs much more than he initially thought. He also says that increased digitalization and globalization are only going to make these fields even more intertwined. “Business and global affairs are more intertwined than we’d like to believe. I see it as crucial and futurethinking to understand these pressing issues.” Tomás Lucero Tomás always knew what he wanted to do, and had a clear vision of his own future. Having lived a cosmopolitan life since his childhood, he wanted a higher learning institution that offered the same international feel and diverse experience. In his dual degree, he saw both that and the chance to pursue his passion for geopolitics, multinationals and international trade. On the business and administration side, his favorite classes in strategy and accounting tap into his planning and organizational skills. And on the international relations side, he’s studying what’s always mattered most to him—subjects covering geopolitics and global conflict. “I appreciate IE University because of the unique perspective of the 25% #1 #4 of IE University alumni start their own companies Eruope for Entrepreneurial Learning Rankings Worldwide for Entrepreneurial Learning Rankings

17 16 Come and discover IE University for yourself ! OUR DUAL BACHELORS Business Administration & Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Business Administration & Data and Business Analytics Business Administration & Fashion Design Business Administration & Design Business Administration & Humanities Business Administration & International Relations Business Administration & Laws Economics & Applied Mathematics Economics & International Relations Laws & International Relations Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics & Data and Business Analytics the practical approach and entrepreneurial focus of all our programs that set her on the path to success. “The educational method encourages you to develop your ideas and better prepares you for the real world,” she says. “IE University’s approach is practical and involved at every step of the way—in education, electives and exchanges.” “IE University’s entrepreneurial spirit applies to every dual degree. It involves participative lessons, a lot of projects and other methodologies that embrace your creativity.” Yolanda Mercado She found the diversity of the student body and innovative, business-focused take on higher education to be a competitive advantage when she graduated. The program, she notes, “teaches valuable content, but also helps you grow professionally.” Yolanda has some job-seeking advice that particularly applies to graduates of a dual degree. “Find what differentiates you from others and make them want to hire you. You are looking for a job, but they want the right person for it. It’s crucial to stand out!” That differentiating factor could be the combination of practical, sector-relevant expertise with broader business acumen provided by our dual degrees. ADD I NG VALUE I N MULT I PLE WAYS Yolanda Mercado i s an alum of the Dual Degree in Bus iness Admini strat ion & Internat ional Relat ions . Now a project manager del iver ing tech and digi tal projects at Microsof t , she al ready has profess ional exper ience in both the pr ivate and publ ic sectors . She describes IE University alumni as “diverse, ambitious entrepreneurs,” and it’s ACCRED I TAT I ONS 12:1 Student-to-professor ratio on the Dual Degree in Business Administration & International Relations 75% +130 +45 +160 of international students future it offers,” he says. “It shows you how to embrace change and be a part of it, not resist it or be afraid of it.” It’s a lesson he knows will serve him well in whatever path he chooses to pursue, as he has the knowledge and practical experience to open doors anywhere. Nationalities Different languages Partner universities F I ND US ON @ieu_admissions @ieuniversity 5 Years | 2 Official degrees

19 18 Have you wondered what a career in finance is really like? We spoke with Raj Singh, a new young partner at 2Xideas investment firm. Diverse Portfolios and Responsibilities Raj’s role is to oversee investments in a variety of financial sectors. He also contributes to the Investment Committee and is involved in refining investment processes based on feedback. Not your Typical 9-to-5 Routine With a schedule influenced by market dynamics, Raj works beyond typical office hours to cater to global time zones. “Working on investments spread across different time zones, from Japan to the United States, means I have to be available outside of 9-5 office hours.” Building Connections, Cultivating Relationships Building relationships with portfolio companies through meetings is essential. Last year alone, he had over 120 company meetings. “My job involves traveling approximately 10-12 weeks each year, visiting clients and companies, “ he said. Meetings typically focus on the long-term plans and strategies for invested companies or prospective investments. Often, he suggests adjustments to strategies based on the latest information. Behind-the-Scenes Research and Analysis Apart from client interactions, Raj conducts extensive research to identify investment opportunities and refines strategies. He relies on tech tools such as Bloomberg, S&P Capital IQ, and expert networks to stay ahead. Additionally, he utilizes expert networks like Tegus or Third Bridge, and financial modeling services like Canalyst. How You’ll Start Out “New recruits normally start with research tasks,” said Raj. This is to support analysts with modeling and investment primers. Skills Needed for Success Curiosity is at the core of success in finance, according to Raj. “You should always try to learn about new things, whether it is hot sauce production or flight simulators!” Intellectual humility is also something Raj believes is important. “Remember, you will never know everything, and can always learn something from anybody.” Advice for Students For high school students thinking of careers in finance, Raj offers some reassuring advice. “Don’t worry too much about other people who had internships at prestigious companies, or industryspecific jargon. There isn’t one ‘right’ path.” “If you like reading about businesses or watching videos on YouTube about how things work, you can channel that passion into investing, or investment banking.” His Main Advice? Follow your passions and embrace opportunities for growth and learning. What’s it really like working in finance? Raj Visen-Singh JOB Partner & Head of Financial Investments Company 2Xideas, an independent investment firm Raj obtained his Master of Arts (Hons), Management, from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. “Don’t worry too much about other people who had internships at prestigious companies, or industry-specific jargon. There isn’t one ‘right’ path.” A Day In The Life... 7:15 AM I usually start traveling to my office around 7:15am. During this time I catch up on news from across our holdings. 7:45 AM I arrive at the office around 7:45am. I spend the morning continuing to catch up on news from our holdings. 8:45 AM I put in a call to a client company. One of our core aims at 2Xideas is to build direct, lasting relationships with our investors, so these personal calls are important. Good relationships mean that should there be difficult performance periods, it’s easier for an investor to remain confident. It helps if the investor knows the manager well and is familiar with the investment philosophy and process. 9:30 AM Throughout the day I keep a close eye on the markets, and log in to our proprietary platform called ACE. The ACE platform supports all of our core workflows. It also enables optimal collaboration and knowledgesharing throughout the firm. 10:30 AM I attend a portfolio meeting. Our quarterly process that governs structural changes in our portfolios is based on collective decision making. We debate ideas and the data we have in our system of all historical decisions, which leads to improved decision making over time. 12:00 PM I leave for lunch in the city with a company we are considering for investment. 1:45 PM Follow up with colleagues regarding ongoing projects and speak to companies, experts, or other investors. Our mission is to identify and invest in high-quality companies early, and then profit from their long term growth and value creation. We look for investment “ideas” with “2X” return potential over 5 to 7 years, equivalent to a 10-15% return per annum. 7:30 PM After completing calls to the USA, I travel home. However, depending on the markets, I have to be available in my evenings in order to make any quick decisions.

21 20 SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern, one of the original hotel management schools in Switzerland and an esteemed institute specialising in hospitality education, accommodates approximately 1,000 enrolled students, with just under 300 of them on campus. Since its establishment in 1909, the institute has remained steadfast in maintaining a modest size, prioritising the personal development of each student as a fundamental value, alongside a clear focus on practical experience. This commitment fosters a distinctive atmosphere and a sense of community, complemented by special programmes aimed at developing social competencies such as teamwork or change management, which sets SHL apart from others. Let us explore how SHL serves as a hub for nurturing individual potential, emphasising personalised growth to cultivate future industry leaders and entrepreneurs.

23 22 Developing Strong Leaders Studies indicate that students who receive individual attention are more likely to achieve their goals and reach their potential. When individuals are treated as unique entities, they feel acknowledged, understood, and valued. This, in turn, enhances their confidence, propelling them towards the pursuit of their aspirations. In addition to providing individual attention to students, SHL goes a step further in nurturing future hospitality leaders by offering a specialised programme focused on developing essential social competencies. Recognising the critical role of social skills in effective leadership, SHL has designed a comprehensive curriculum that addresses key competencies essential for success in the hospitality industry and beyond. WHEN INDIVIDUALS ARE TREATED AS UNIQUE ENTITIES, THEY FEEL ACKNOWLEDGED, UNDERSTOOD, AND VALUED. By focusing on these competencies, SHL equips students with the skills needed to navigate the complexities of the hospitality industry with confidence and competence. Through hands-on experience and personalised coaching, students graduate from SHL not only with academic knowledge but also with the practical skills and mindset necessary to excel in their careers. A Sense of Belonging With a student-to-faculty ratio of 4.5 to 1, students at SHL receive ample individual attention, fostering a more engaging educational experience and providing increased opportunities for mentorship and guidance. It is the institution's mission not only to educate with personal dedication but also to guide students on their journey towards becoming competent, success-oriented, and passionate hospitality leaders and entrepreneurs. Additionally, in smaller educational institutions like SHL, students experience a strong sense of belonging As widely known, the hospitality industry revolves around creating a welcoming atmosphere and ensuring guest comfort. Possessing advanced social skills is therefore essential for achieving this objective. Hospitality leaders leaders must adeptly forge connections with both customers and team members, communicating effectively, actively listening, and demonstrating empathy to foster trust and respect. Moreover, they must navigate conflicts adeptly, anticipate customer needs, deliver exceptional experiences, and inspire diverse teams. SHL students during different teamwork challenges as part of SHL’s social competencies initiative workshop in the Swiss mountains, highly regarded by both students and lecturers as a standout experience. These activities enable students to recognise their own strengths and those of their peers, ultimately enhancing their teamwork skills and sense of camaraderie. Flexibility and Innovation Another advantage of SHL's modest size is its flexibility and adaptability to change. The institute can experiment with new teaching methods and curriculums without facing the same bureaucratic obstacles as larger schools. Currently, this is evident in SHL's ongoing transition towards an even stronger focus on competenceoriented teaching. SHL has always been practical in its approach, but it is taking it a step further by introducing forward-thinking teaching methods and redesigning curricula to emphasise an even more hands-on approach. This focus has long been a primary reason why SHL students and graduates are highly sought after in the market. They not only possess knowledge but can also apply it practically. In conclusion, the role of personalised attention in your studies cannot be overstated. At SHL, it serves as the cornerstone of the educational philosophy, empowering students to reach their full potential. Through a more personable relationship between faculty and students, mentorship and tailored programmes like the social competencies initiative, students are equipped with the skills and confidence to excel in the dynamic field of hospitality and business management. As students embark on their educational journey, it's important to recognise that at SHL, personalised attention is not just a concept — it it a commitment to their success. SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern is one of the two original Swiss hotel management schools in Switzerland and offers a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management which is accredited by the Swiss federal government and recognised worldwide, as well as the Swiss Advanced Federal Diploma «Dipl. Hotelier(e)-Gastronom(in) HF». Discover more about SHL, its campus in the heart of Switzerland and the application-oriented «Bachelor of Science in Hospitality» programme right here. > __ belonging and are less likely to feel lost or overlooked. By getting to know students individually, the faculty can easily identify any issues and provide appropriate support if needed. A Close-Knit Community With fewer individuals on campus, students, faculty, and staff at SHL can establish a profound sense of community and connection in a shorter span of time. SHL actively fosters opportunities for bonding; students have ample time to enjoy their meals in the institute's training restaurant, exchange ideas during lunch and dinner, and nurture deeper relationships, leading to lifelong friendships and networking opportunities. In addition to regular meal times and student gatherings, SHL takes proactive steps in community building and teamwork initiatives. These include numerous collaborative practical assignments, field excursions, and group tasks, such as a two-day team-building workshop FEWER INDIVIDUALS ON CAMPUS CAN ESTABLISH A PROFOUND SENSE OF COMMUNITY.

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29 28 Windesheim, the Netherlands An applied university where sustainability meets business excellence Personalized approach At Windesheim, we pride ourselves on providing a personalized approach to education, ensuring small class sizes that foster deep connections and meaningful interactions. Our curriculum is not just theoretical; it’s deeply rooted in practical, real-world applications, with numerous projects and internships offering hands-on experience with leading companies and organizations. Here, you’ll develop the essential 21st-century skills necessary to thrive in today’s dynamic business landscape. Zwolle: welcoming and lively Windesheim is situated in Zwolle – a welcoming, lively, and safe city just an hour ’s drive from Amsterdam. Enjoy reasonable living expenses and a large variety of student facilities. Our modern campus is nestled close to Zwolle’s charming old city centre. Enjoy our great sports facilities, canteens, a supermarket, library, bike repair shop and lots of space to work on your assignments and chill with friends. With a vibrant community of 27,000 students, Windesheim stands as a beacon of innovation and academic prowess, consistently topping the char ts as the premier applied university in the Netherlands. Our commitment to excellence is recognized widely, with accolades from Elsevier Weekly’s and Keuzegids HBO cementing our reputation as a leader in higher education. windesheim_ib_ x International playlist gpcm.windesheim

31 30 At Windesheim, sustainability meets business excellence on a global scale! International Business • Diverse Curriculum: Explore Finance & Accounting, Marketing & Sales, International Logistics, and Human Resource Management. • Global Oppor tunities: Work for international companies worldwide, either in your home country or abroad, including the Netherlands. • Hands-On Experience: Elevate your practical skills through engaging projects, internships, and study abroad experiences. • Flexibility: Tailor your learning journey with a flexible programme, guided by approachable lecturers in small, personalized classes (limited to 20 students). Read more about Global Project and Change Management on our website We have two exceptional English-taught Bachelor ’s programmes in business designed to empower you for success in the global market: Global Project & Change Management • Sustainable Impact: Make a positive impact on the world through a business lens, addressing issues such as climate change, disease eradication, pollution reduction, clean water, clean energy, gender inequality, and refugee suppor t. • Honours Programme: Focus on project management, leadership, and personal development in an enriching environment. • Small Class Advantage: Benefit from intimate class sizes with only 20 students, fostering a collaborative and suppor tive learning environment. • Guaranteed Housing: Ensure a seamless transition to student life with secured accommodation in the first year. Read more about Global Project and Change Management on our website

33 32 In a world where many believe that success strictly comes from degrees in business or finance, Tokio Takai shows how a liberal arts degree can also lead to finance. Tokio believes his path allowed him to explore various careers while still having broad education choices and personal growth. From Liberal Arts to Finance Career An Unconventional Choice Believing that only a business or finance degree could secure post-college employment, Tokio was skeptical when counselors said that he could complete a liberal arts education and still go into finance. Although Tokio thought he wanted to work in finance, he wanted to explore other options. So, he researched their suggestions and became excited about Bowdoin College. He applied and was accepted. Bowdoin’s flexible liberal arts curriculum enabled him to explore a wide range of subjects, with less emphasis on mathematics. “I took a range of courses such as sociology, politics, film, astronomy, rising sea levels, economics, anthropology, religion, and music. I was able to stay away from a lot of math!” He eventually chose to major in government and legal studies. "Only in hindsight, after working for a couple of years, have I come to realize the benefits of a liberal arts degree," Tokio reflects. "At a liberal arts college you have time to explore widely and discover new interests. At a business school, you’re talking business from day one." Building Meaningful Connections The smaller student-toprofessor ratio and smaller class sizes at his liberal arts college created an environment that fostered stronger relationships. He feels building meaningful relationships with professors was a highlight of his education. He added that it can also be a benefit in any job searches. "You will most likely need a reference letter from a professor for a job you’re applying to," Tokio said. The Transition to Finance Tokio’s first internship at a bank set the stage for a career in finance. This experience was rewarding, and conversations he had with people in the industry helped identify the area of finance he liked most. This confirmed that he wanted a career in finance. The move to his first job as an Analyst at Goldman Sachs was a demanding one. Becoming a finance professional meant adjusting to demanding schedules, a stark contrast to the flexibility of college life. Tokio was also worried about a perceived disadvantage of lacking technical skills. However, this quickly disappeared as he embraced learning and mentorship. He said his non-finance background put him in a “listen and learn mode”, so he learned quickly. “Technical skills matter, but acquiring them on the job is possible. There is no expectation for anyone to know everything on day one.” Tokio encourages students to consider a liberal arts degree, and make the most of studies and time in college. "For many careers, what will define your job application and resume is not any particular degree. It will come down to your story and the experiences you’ve had." Advice for Aspiring Finance Students Tokio emphasizes the importance of individuality, experiences, and the personal journey through tailored internships, volunteering, and extracurricular activities. He also feels that for students targeting a career in finance, early networking and learning to communicate in business settings are essential. Tokio is proof that the journey to success does not necessarily have a single conventional path. "Good luck, and enjoy college! I’m always happy to connect.” Tokio Takai: Asia Investments Associate, Salter Brothers

35 34 Located in the picturesque Eastern Townships region of Quebec, Bishop’s is a one-of-a-kind institution in Canada and one of only three English speaking universities in Quebec. Founded in 1843 and modelled after the colleges of Oxford, our approach to education can be summed up in one word: engagement. We focus on the proven liberal education model where Bishop’s connects students to an array of outstanding experiential learning opportunities, including internships, co-ops, practicum, and exceptional training experiences. These opportunities enable students to strengthen their skills and obtain valuable experiential and professional expe r i ence , wh i l e comp l et i ng t he i r academi c st ud i es . Ou r st udent s en j oy be i ng ab l e t o spec i a l i ze i n t he i r f i e l d , wh i l e st i l l hav i ng f l ex i b i l i t y t o choose cou rses f rom ot he r d i sc i p l i nes . We act ua l l y encou rage t hem t o explore multiple interests!

37 36 Bishop’s creates a unique social environment for its students, one that fosters personal growth. This supportive atmosphere nurtures students, and helps transform them into confident and skilled leaders, ready to make a difference in this world. Outside of class, students get very involved in campus life, which creates a wonderful sense of community. A plethora of activities and facilities exist both on campus and in the general area. A newly renovated recreation and athletics facility, over 120 km of hiking and biking trails, plus two theatres, art gallery, music recital and practice facilities, convenience store, bookstore, cafes, two libraries, seven residences, medical clinic, and much more. If you are looking for an educational experience that is engaging, personal and transformational, look no further than Bishop’s University. Wi t h app rox imat e l y 2 , 900 st udent s rep resent i ng nea r l y 80 count r i es , we of fe r a l ea r n i ng env i ronment whe re c l asses a re i nt imat e , and st udent s rece i ve pe rsona l i zed at t ent i on f rom t he i r p rofesso rs . We a re an Eng l i sh un i ve rs i t y i n a F rench commun i t y so while students do not need to know a word of French, our environment offers the ability to learn, enhance or become fully bilingual in both languages. Be Curious. Be Purple. BU.

39 38 AI and ChatGPT: How will it change the careers of the future? ARTICLE BY Campus Magazine ChatGPT is only the tip of the artificial intelligence (AI) iceberg. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of new AI tools released every month and they ’re automating almost every task humans can do, only better. For some people it ’s exciting , while for others who see themselves as vulnerable, it feels like they ’re an unwilling star in an ominous episode of Black Mirror. While AI affects all of us differently, it ’s creating unique challenges for university graduates seeking employment in fields where technology is already making employees irrelevant to a company ’s success. For example, the recent strikes involving the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) highlight the issues of human roles potentially being replicated by AI. Are they right to be worried? Yes. Are the companies right to use technology? Also, yes. So the question is, how can we preserve a sense of our own utility in a world where technological progress seems to be striving to render humans obsolete? AI is already all around us In today ’s world of business, AI systems already perform administrative tasks and data crunching faster and more cost-efficiently than any human. Predictive analytics help brands forecast customer behaviour and model market trends in order to develop more effective marketing strategies. In the media industry, AI-powered software is writing press releases and marketing taglines. Even the Associated Press is using AI to increase its output of news stories by 1,400%. You might not realise it, but nowhere is AI more prevalent than in the service industry. In the travel and hospitality industry, one of the most obvious benefits is the ability to quickly generate flexible pricing models for hotels and airlines based on traveller data. Even AI tools like ChatGPT are being used by companies like Expedia for travel planning. AI has also been rolled out at fast-food chains, and not just at self-service kiosks. For instance, Shake Shack used AI to create dairy-free, plantbased desserts by analysing animal-based dairy on a molecular level and replacing them with plant-based molecules that mimicked the original. However, it ’s essential to note that there’s a big difference in the level of automation between a fast-food company where efficiency and affordability are paramount, and high-end businesses catering to customers seeking exceptional experiences and services. This is where human interaction and the knowledge to leverage on AI become integral. [...] Continue reading on or Read full article on EHL Blog → The future is human According to an Institute For The Future (IFTF) report, 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t even been invented yet. However, one thing is for sure: AI will be more prevalent in most, if not all, of those roles. But viewing AI as a “race against the machines” overlooks the significance of human soft skills in a future where AI is ubiquitous. AI is undoubtedly improving business processes and workflows, but knowing how to use it to streamline processes is where the human touch is required. And this is where soft skills become non-negotiable. Forbes asserts that cultivating soft skills – including resilience, emotional intelligence, effective communication, and productivity – is far more crucial for future-proofing one’s career compared to hard skills. A recent American research revealed that 91% of management positions prioritise soft skills as the most sought-after qualifications. Because soft skills paired with great know-how is what defines the most successful people who enjoy the most mobility and opportunities during their careers. With over 120 years of teaching hospitality management, EHL recognises the need to cultivate essential soft skills to generate added value for customers and employees alike. Its students acquire soft skills through innovative methods such as simulation games, and have the opportunity to benefit from an education in both Europe and Asia, with internship opportunities that span the globe. Based in Switzerland with a campus in Singapore, EHL’s BSc in International Hospitality Management programme not only focuses on developing leadership skills that go beyond business knowledge and tech capabilities, but also with human- centric sensitivity guided by the principle that “ humans are our most important asset in service.” EHL’s curriculum reflects a commitment to both digital innovation as well as preservation of human-centric themes: the creation of a community, social accountability, a sense of purpose and belonging. This is how EHL sets its students apart from other business school graduates, preparing them for a career in an ever-evolving world that ’s driven by AI’s transformative impact. Discover EHL Bachelor on →

41 40 EXPLORE EHL & JOIN OUR Pre-university Courses EHL JUNIOR ACADEMY for 16-19 year-olds Discover more about the future of excellence → Join other students for a transformative experience and open your mind to the diverse career opportunities in hospitality, business, travel, entertainment, luxury brands, high tech and many more. Choose your camp: • Hospitality business and innovation → Lausanne, Switzerland • International Hospitality & Luxury Brand management → Singapore • Culinary & Wellness Concepts → Chur-Passugg , Switzerland

43 42 EQUIPPING THE NEXT GENERATION OF CHANGEMAKERS Justice College has the distinct goal of preparing graduates to live as change- makers for the common good, locally and globally. Each major is uniquely designed to include a concentration in global development and social justice. Our aim is to be the global center for a Christian response to is- sues of injustice, oppression, extreme poverty, and global pandemics. We are also challenging students to discover solutions to the world’s most vexing socioeconomic problems, and to promote sustainability, champion compassion, become social entrepreneurs, end exploitation, value the arts, and share the love of Christ everywhere. ABOUT US Affordable, degree-granting, , , Christian College

45 44 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS & SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP This degree program has a unique and innovative curriculum that combines business principles and practices with a focus on social qnd environmental impact. This program is designed for students who wish to pursue their careers in business and merge their passion for making a positive difference in the world. COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY This degree program is designed to prepare students for careers in the field of mental health and human services. Taught from a Christian worldview, this program focuses on the study of psychological theories, research methods, and the application of counseling skills and techniques for individuals and groups. EDUCATIONAL STUDIES This degree program is designed to prepare students for careers in education and related fields. This program focuses on the study of educational theories, practices, and policies and provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the field of education. SPIRITUAL FORMATION & CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES This degree program is designed to educate students with a deep un- derstanding of Christian spirituality and the role of the church in serving its communities. The program draws from a variety of fields, including theology, biblical studies, ministry, and the social sciences, to provide students with a comprehensive education in the areas of spiritual formation, leadership, and Christian ministry. SOCIAL JUSTICE & GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT This degree program aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to actively engage with and advocate for issues of social justice and sustainable global development. MAJORS ATHLETICS Men’s Basketball Women’s Soccer Men’s Soccer Women’s Volleyball Women’s Basketball Athletic Scholarships Available!

47 46 One of the main things to consider about paying for postsecondary education is whether you were awarded any financial aid. Your financial aid package is like a special deal tailored just for you. This means the amount of aid you get can change depending on which college or university you choose to attend. This, and the rising cost of tuition over the years, also means you should spend the time carefully considering all your options and working out which is your best financial fit. The US Education Department states that you need to keep two main questions in mind: • What types of aid is the school offering you? • How much of your financial need is met through the aid the school is offering you? You need to understand the direct expenses of attending each college or university. The direct expenses include: • Tuition • On-campus housing • Campus meal plans • Any other fees the college will charge you You need to be sure of the kinds of aid being offered to you. Is there any funding offered to you that doesn’t need to be paid back? Which offers of funding do need to be paid back? You must also understand any conditions of the aid offers. For example, you might need to keep up a certain GPA or meet specific requirements on enrollment. You also need to check whether the award is a one-time amount or a continuing amount. You should consider any financial aid offered in this order: 1. Free money first (e.g., scholarships, grants) 2. Earned money second (e.g., work-study) 3. Borrowed money last (e.g., federal student loans) For each institution you are considering, add up the awarded financial aid that you want to accept, and then subtract that amount from the cost of attendance. This final figure is the net cost of attendance. This is the number that you then use to compare all your offers. That will give you a sense of which institution is the best financial fit for you. Of course, there is the handy financial plan section in the MaiaLearning platform that will automatically calculate a lot of this for you once you have entered any financial aid awarded! Then you also need to consider the indirect costs of attendance in general. These are the costs of other things you will need to consider when you attend college. They are variable depending on your needs and choices. They include things such as: • Books and supplies • Transportation • Health care costs • Personal expenses Costs like textbooks, supplies, gas, parking passes, food, and clothing will add up quickly. Don’t forget to add in any regular costs not related to school that you still need to cover, such as credit card, car payments, etc. Do not be surprised by these costs. Start talking to your family or trusted adults in your life now. Talking with experienced adults about how you will manage costs can help you to be prepared. The US Department of Education website has a lot of helpful information, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has a handy cost planning tool with lots of tips and hints. Choosing how to pay for college or vocational school is one of the first major financial decisions you will make as a young adult. It is likely the most expensive thing you have had to pay for at this stage of life. This is why it requires significant planning and support from family or guardians. When talking about the costs of college, there are a variety of factors you need to consider. Did you know that the average textbook price is around $105, but they can cost as much as $300? And if you need a latte to get through class every day, you could spend around $90 on coffee a month! Understanding the Cost of College