59 58 IS NOW As one of the world’s top research universities, the Universit y of Arizona seeks to answer today’s biggest questions. We’re embracing change and making the most out of cut ting- edge technology to benef it students and communities. When you become a Wildcat , you’ll help us lead the way. The Future $761M I N ANNUA L RESE ARCH E XPEND ITURES TOP 1% OF WORLD’ S UN I VERS ITI ES C E NTE R F O R WO R LD U N I V E RS I T Y R A N K I N G S TOP -20 PUB LI C RESE ARCH I NSTITUTI ONS N AT I O N A L S C I E N C E F OU N DAT I O N Getting Down to Business Founded in summer 2023, the university’s AI Access and Integrity Working Group is leading conversations about AI. Its mission is to foster dialogue about the opportunities presented by AI in higher education. artificialintelligence.arizona.edu EXPLORE DEGREE PROGRAMS From entrepreneurship to electrical and computer engineering, our majors put you at the forefront of innovation. Explore our 150+ degree programs and find the one that’s right for you. arizona.edu/degree-search