April 2022

A MAGAZ INE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS APRIL ISSUE, 2022 DJGil Glaze Find options to: MAIAZINE ® Could you be your own boss? YOUR RESUME and how to make it shine From school discos to Madison Square Garden! Study in Asia Study in Europe Study in the US Learn how others do it

Editorial: Build yourself a bright future! Cover story: DJ Gil Glaze What are employers looking for? Skills you should highlight in resumes and interviews Powerful Action Words: Key words to improve your resume 3D artist: Xhanthi Multi-media producer: Jayce Visual artist: Frankie A passion for film making: Livi Hope in Honduras: Antonia Want to work in the fashion business?: Robin The University of Arizona Bishop’s University Bocconi University Bucknell University Dickinson College EHL Hospitality Business School IE University The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Leiden University Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Pacific Lutheran University Rutgers University SHL Schweizerische Hotelfachschule Luzern University of Chicago University College Roosevelt CONTENTS MaiaZine is published by MaiaLearning, Inc. Address comments to MaiaZine@maialearning.com

Management Professor Anthony Klotz at A&M University was someone who noticed the record-breaking number of people around the world quitting their jobs during the pandemic. He said it is because they asked themselves, “Am I living the life I want to live?”. So this issue is dedicated to helping you consider what makes you happy and what gives you purpose because we believe everyone deserves a career they love. We showcase people who made the decision to take a leap of faith and turn their passion into a profession. They decided that they wanted to set their own priorities and take charge of their lives, doing what they find most fulfilling. Read how DJ Gil Glaze went from DJing at school discos to performing at Madison Square Garden, and how Frankie’s dislike of being told what to do to motivated her to become a successful artist and entrepreneur. Learn how Antonia’s Gap year changed her life and inspired her to start educate, a nonprofit university scholarship organization to empower youth in Honduras. Both Jayce and Livi became successful visual storytellers and founded their own production companies, but got there in very different ways. Jayce’s desire to tell stories in his distinctive style, and Livi’s work on-set as a stunt person, were what set each of them on their pathways. Xhanthi’s self taught artistic skills and willingness to say yes to challenges, and Robin’s combination of a degree in fashion with entrepreneurial ideas, saw them both become successful entrepreneurs. A common thread runs through their stories. Each was willing to take calculated risks. Even when it was scary, they were not too afraid to seize opportunities. We hope you will find inspiration in their real-life experiences, and work hard to identify, develop, and share your passions. Investing time into growing your knowledge and skills in an area you are most interested in will help you excel. We hope you identify your talents and think about what you really find important. Don’t be afraid to define your own success and start planning your pathway to get there. It will help you develop the career you dream about. That way your job will be anything but a boring 9-5. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Build yourself a bright future

The world of work is changing rapidly. This has influenced what employers are looking for when they hire. Over the last two years, people found themselves working from their kitchen, their living rooms, or from their favorite beach! Technology and virtual meetings made this possible. These changes mean that employers are looking for new traits when they hire staff. Here are the traits that worldwide recruiting company Adecco believes are the most important for job applicants in 2022 and beyond. And it is not just employers - admissions officers are looking for these too! Flexibility No matter the industry, the ability to work flexibliy as part of a team with a sense of responsibility and determination is critical. The classic "9 to 5" solution is changing, and many people want to continue the environmental and time flexibility they have recently had. Emotional intelligence Recognizing and regulating your emotions and responding to the feelings of others appropriately is even more critical in a remote environment. Interpersonal skills are vitally important in the professional world. Problem-solving In times of rapid change, new solutions are needed. Employers are looking for people who think quickly and keep an open mind. Willingness to learn We live in a world where demands, tasks and tools are changing quickly. For employees, this means being willing to learn or finding yourself left behind. Critical thinking This has become a hugely important skill in recent years. You have probably seen how difficult it is to separate facts from opinion, or worse, targeted disinformation. Thinking critically and analytically is important. Communication skills Communication is the basis for success with colleagues and customers. Now, because so many meetings are no longer face-to-face, clear communication is even more important, especially in written form. Creativity This is an area machines can't compete with yet. It is a necessesary skill for generating new ideas or brainstorming. It is something that can be encouraged and learned. Resistance to stress If your work is stressful and unpredictable, it's useful to be able to organise yourself independently. Employers want people who can plan tasks, deadlines, and processes as efficiently as possible. Additionally, employees say well-being is very important to them. They will be looking for ways to create a good work-life balance and ways to reduce stress. What this means for you Think about how you can show the ways you have developed these traits through your learning, extra-curricular activities and experiences. Don’t forget to document your experiences as you go. That way, you will be ready for new challenges and successful applications to work or further education. What are employers looking for?

A s a top - t ier research uni ver si t y, Arizona of fer s a premiere academic experience. Choose from hundreds of major s and minor s whi le learning from facul t y who are leader s in their f ields. Your professor s, adv isor s, and career coaches are f irml y commi t ted to your success and wi th you ever y s tep of the way. degreesearch.arizona.edu Get invol ved, make new friends, and f lex your leader ship ski lls in one of our clubs and organizat ions. And as a s tudent at a Pac-12 uni ver si t y, you won’ t want to miss a chance to cheer on s tudent- athletes from the ZonaZoo, one of the nat ion’s larges t (and loudes t ) s tudent sec t ions. arizona.edu/student- life “My favorite thing about the university is that there are plenty of events and opportunities for everyone. It is a very diverse place that feels very welcoming.” — SALLY, PHYSIOLOGY & MEDICAL SCIENCES 300+ MA JORS 15: 1 UNDE RGR ADUATE STUDENT-TO - FACULT Y R ATIO 23 ON - CAMPUS DORMS TOP 20 PUBLIC RESE ARCH I NSTITUTION N AT I O N A L S C I E N C E F O U N DAT I O N 9 OUT 10 OF WI LDCATS RECE IVE F I NANCIAL AI D “ “ WILDCATS SAY say WILDCATS

NEXT STOP : DREAM JOB Roll up your sleeves and put your classroom knowledge to work whi le bui lding ski lls that wi ll impress future employer s. Our Student Engagement and Career Development team wi ll connec t you wi th oppor tuni t ies to upgrade your major through internships, research projec t s, clubs, volunteering, and other s. career.arizona.edu TUCSON – THE COL L EGE TOWN OF YOUR DREAMS Our laid - back hometown of fer s sunny weather, breathtaking landscapes, and some of the bes t res taurant s for any appet i te. Fall in love wi th i t s charac ter, f ind your favori te hangout s, and feel the love from locals who embrace the uni ver si t y jus t as much as you do. visit tucson.org F I NANC I AL A I D Our Of f ice of Scholar ships and Financial Aid works to help you cover the cos t of educat ion wi th scholar ships, grant s, loans, work- s tudy, and more. And I f you meet cer tain requirement s, you may qual i f y for meri t- based scholar ships to help fund your educat ion. f inancialaid.arizona.edu P LAN A V I S I T The bes t way to pic ture your sel f here is by planning a v isi t . During a tour, you can chat wi th current s tudent s, learn about our his tor y and t radi t ions, and fall in love wi th our beaut i ful campus. admissions.arizona.edu/visit CONNECT WI TH US uazadmissions universityofarizona uarizona Find your per sonal Uni ver si t y of Arizona contac t at go.arizona.edu/f ind- recruiter OF F I CE OF ADM I SS I ONS PO Box 210073, Tuc son, A Z 85721 - 0073 520.621 . 3237 | admissions.arizona.edu WHAT YOU ’ L L NE ED TO APP LY 4 4 years of English 4 4 years of mathematic s 4 3 years of lab science 4 2 years of the same second language 4 2 years of social sciences (1 year of American histor y) 4 1 year of f ine ar t s or 1 year of career and technical education (CTE) Find core cour sework requirement s at go.arizona.edu/coursework- requirement s I f you’re in the top 25% of your class and have completed the core requirement s or have a 3.0 unweighted core GPA at your six th semes ter, you’re assured admission to the uni ver si t y. App l icant s mus t have an unweighted overal l grade point average of 2.0 (A = 4 .0) in each subjec t area and may have up to t wo def iciencies . Student s may not have def iciencies in bot h ma t h and labora tor y science or in t he same subjec t area. App l icant s who have gradua ted f rom high school one year or more before enrol l ing a t t he Uni ver si t y of Ar izona and did not a t tend any higher educa t ion ins t i tu t ions af ter high school wi l l be evalua ted for admi ssion based on t hei r eight h semes ter unweighted core GPA . “Finding ways to pay for college can be very daunting. Thankfully, the University of Arizona provides so many resources to give you opportunities to make it work.” —MARY, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING “ “ WILDCATS SAY say WILDCATS

With these credentials, you’d expect Gil was a musical genius at school. But, Gil says no. “In middle school I joined choir and failed. I tried saxophone and failed that as well.” But Gil’s passion prevailed. He decided to hone his hobby of DJing. “I took summer classes like Radio Broadcasting and DJing, which helped me learn to start on vinyl and turntables.” He also offered to DJ every school event and then offered his services as a DJ for parties. It wasn’t glamorous. He started off small - discos, birthdays, and fashion shows. Any money he earned was put back into DJ equipment. Gil also completed Summer Discovery internships in the music industry. This helped him develop contacts, and he realized that he wanted to turn his passion into his profession. “I never wanted to be behind an office desk as I love to travel and play music, so this was a driving force for me.” He he sent his music to clubs and asked for bookings but he kept being told they didn’t want to book him. So, he launched his own brand called Breeze Records as a way of releasing his music. Finally, he got a break. He was offered the chance to promote a small private club in Zurich by posting social media updates and handing out flyers. They also allowed him to DJ from time to time. “This is when I really fell in love with the DJ booth,” he said. When researching different courses, Gil realized the Clive Davis School of Recorded Music at NYU offered his dream course. It was definitely a reach, but he crafted his application with care. His favorite part of the application was putting together a playlist. Thankfully, NYU felt his entrepreneurial spirit, experiences, and playlist were a good match for the course. He was accepted. “At NYU I was lucky to have great teachers and great facilities I was able to use to work on my music. It was my chance to learn about music production.” The contacts and learning he got from this course took Gil’s career to the next level. “After graduating, I started a residency at Tao Group in the US where my career took off.” He was signed with a manager, and started getting gigs in clubs around the world. Then came another amazing break. His manager got him the role of supporting act for The Chainsmokers. “I toured with The Chainsmokers in Australia. And his talent and drive didn’t go unnoticed. Gil was approached by one of the big record labels, Sony Music. “Signing to Sony Music Switzerland was a big moment for me. Getting to be a part of a major label is a big milestone in an artist’s career.” Gil has also had releases on Martin Garrix label STMPD, Spinnin Records, Armada, and Tiesto’s lable, Musical Freedom. “My remix for the Chainsmokers currently has 4 million streams. Last summer I played Energy Air in Switzerland in a stadium filled with 40,000 people.” But in January 2022 Gil hit another huge highlight. He was invited to guest DJ at halftime at Madison Square Garden. DJ GIL GLAZE Gil Glaze may only be 27, but he’s no newcomer to the music scene. In fact, he started playing his first DJ sets at 15. Since then, he has toured the world opening for David Guetta, The Chainsmokers, Tiesto, and other icons. His deep house and dance-pop music has seen a loyal fan base grow and he’s now an international talent. DJ Gil Glaze at Hakkasan Las Vegas Upper right: At a gig with loyal fans

“Playing Madison Square Garden in New York was a really big step in my career as there is no bigger venue I have wanted to play. This was a tick off my bucket list.” Also, no longer needing Breeze Records to get his own music noticed, he now uses Breeze Records as a platform to build and showcase new artists around the world. The best part of all this for Gil? “I love getting to wake up every day and do what I love. It is such an intense but varied industry. For example, one day can be a business day where I focus on invoicing clubs, licensing agreements, getting bookings etc.; while another day can be creative, where I am focusing on new music or music video ideas.” Ever the strategist, Gil is now studying a masters in Hospitality Business to learn more about the business of the nightlife industry. Because of his experience, Gil believes the biggest assets any young entrepreneur can have are communication skills, creativity, stress management techniques, and passion. Passion and energy saw Gil go from running his business from his bedroom to sharing his passion with the world and being his own boss. Gil is ready for his next adventure and he has advice for people who want to do the same. “Stay strong with your passion. When I was younger, I was always comparing myself to others. My friends in high school were all focused on working at banks or big businesses. But I stood strong and felt confident that my passion would make me money one day.” Want to connect and see more? Checkout Gil’s site to stay up-to-date, submit your demo, or login for exclusive content. “Stay strong with your passion. When I was younger, I was always comparing myself to others ... but I stood strong” Energy Air Event, Switzerland Gil Glaze - a chilled out moment.

Located in the picturesque Eastern Townships region of Quebec, Bishop’s is a one-of-a-kind institution in Canada and one of only three English speaking universities in Quebec. Founded in 1843 and modelled after the colleges of Oxford, our approach to education can be summed up in one word: engagement. We focus on the proven liberal education model where Bishop’s connects students to an array of outstanding experiential learning opportunities, including internships, co-ops, practicum, and exceptional training experiences. These opportunities enable students to strengthen their skills and obtain valuable experiential and professional expe r i ence , wh i l e comp l et i ng t he i r academi c st ud i es . Ou r st udent s en j oy be i ng ab l e t o spec i a l i ze i n t he i r f i e l d , wh i l e st i l l hav i ng f l ex i b i l i t y t o choose cou rses f rom ot he r d i sc i p l i nes . We act ua l l y encou rage t hem t o explore multiple interests!

Bishop’s creates a unique social environment for its students, one that fosters personal growth. This supportive atmosphere nurtures students, and helps transform them into confident and skilled leaders, ready to make a difference in this world. Outside of class, students get very involved in campus life, which creates a wonderful sense of community. A plethora of activities and facilities exist both on campus and in the general area. A newly renovated recreation and athletics facility, over 120 km of hiking and biking trails, plus two theatres, art gallery, music recital and practice facilities, convenience store, bookstore, cafes, two libraries, seven residences, medical clinic, and much more. If you are looking for an educational experience that is engaging, personal and transformational, look no further than Bishop’s University. Wi t h app rox imat e l y 2 , 900 st udent s rep resent i ng nea r l y 80 count r i es , we of fe r a l ea r n i ng env i ronment whe re c l asses a re i nt imat e , and st udent s rece i ve pe rsona l i zed at t ent i on f rom t he i r p rofesso rs . We a re an Eng l i sh un i ve rs i t y i n a F rench commun i t y so while students do not need to know a word of French, our environment offers the ability to learn, enhance or become fully bilingual in both languages. Be Curious. Be Purple. BU.

Xhanthi is a mixed media artist from Australia who currently lives in the USA. She creates small character sculptures and art toys. Although you may not recognize her name, if you are into Marvel Comics then you may have seen some of her work. This is because Xhanthi used to work in a digital studio as a colorist for major comic book publishers such as Marvel. Interestingly, she has no formal art training. “I was at college doing creative writing with a view to moving into publishing and editing,” she said. However, she was always drawn to creative endeavors for enjoyment. Her Photoshop, Illustrator, and Zbrush skills are self taught. “I did not sit around strategizing how to become an artist,” she said. Xhanthi is open minded and not afraid of trying something new. She says that, “not wanting to work in an office is probably responsible for quite a lot!” When the opportunity arose to work on coloring Wolverine’s hair, she took it. “The scary part is when I’ve been asked to do something I don’t think I have the skill for, and saying yes anyway. “ She believes problem solving is the most important skill to have. “You’re going to encounter a lot of problems,” she said. For example, when working in comics, Xhanthi needed reference art for lighting. “I got frustrated and decided that I needed a wooden art model or, even better, an action figure that I could quickly pose.” Her Googling led her to Ball Jointed Dolls, and things spiraled from there. It turns out there is an avid community of adult collectors and customizers who create unique characters. Drawn to the quirky and unusual, Xhanthi started hand painting faces for these collectible dolls in her spare time. She posted her work online. That’s when requests for commissions started. She also began to get requests for shows. “My first gallery show was definitely a highlight, it’s a real honor to get to show at an established gallery amongst so many other talented artists.” One opportunity led to another, and eventually she was not only doing something that she loved, but she was able to monetize it. Her continued creative experimentation led to her current sculpting work and being self-employed. She now designs pieces using 3D software, then prints master copies with clay before molding and casting them in polyurethane resin. “Eventually the threads led me here.” The most enjoyable things about working for herself are being able to set her own schedule and being able to choose the projects she wants to work on. Autonomy and self direction is very fulfilling for Xhanthi. But every job has its mundane moments. “I wear a lot of different hats running my own business and that can be challenging. “ “The art really only takes up a fraction of the time. The rest of the time it’s boring stuff like marketing, taxes, forms, and website management.” Her advice for others turning their passion into a career? “If you have a passion you want to pursue, don’t give up when you hit the first hurdle. Don’t be discouraged by failures; if you’re not failing then you’re not growing. Success is less about what you know, and more about persistence and determination, because the knowledge will come with time and persistence. And don’t be afraid to ask for help and leverage every favor! “ Want to connect and see more? For previews of her latest work or video of Xhanthi creating her work, go to: www.xhanthi.com @xhanthi on Instagram https://youtube.com/user/xhanthi Left: some examples of Xhanthi’s work 3D Artist: XHANTHI “If you have a passion you want to pursue, don’t give up when you hit the first hurdle.” Xhanthi with some of her earlier work


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YOUR SKILLS With just a few months until summer break, you might be thinking about applying for a parttime job or an internship. So, it is time to polish up your resume to make sure it showcases your experiences. Bucknell University has some great suggestions for skills you should highlight in your resume and in your applications: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SKILLS: ability to… • sort data and objects • compile and rank information • apply information creatively to specific problems or tasks DESIGN AND PLANNING SKILLS: ability to… • set realistic goals • manage time effectively • set priorities RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION SKILLS: ability to… • use a variety of sources of information • design an experiment, plan, or model that systematically defines a problem • formulate questions relevant to clarifying a particular problem, topic, or issue COMMUNICATION SKILLS: ability to… • listen with objectivity and paraphrase the content of a message • use various forms and styles of written communication • identify and communicate value judgments effectively HUMAN RELATIONS AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: ability to… • keep a group “on track” and moving toward the achievement of a common goal • interact effectively with peers, superiors, and subordinates • be willing to take risks CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS: ability to … • Quickly and accurately identify critical issues when making decisions or solving problems • create innovative solutions to complex problems • analyze the interrelationships of events and ideas from several perspectives MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SKILLS: ability to … • analyze tasks • identify one’s own values • motivate and lead people

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BUCKNELL .EDU/ INTERNATIONAL ADMISSIONS // BUCKNELL UNIVERSIT Y, ONE DENT DRIVE, LEWISBURG, PA 17837, USA WHO WE ARE • Bucknell is an innov ative Universit y ba sed in the liber al ar ts . We have three colleges: the College of Ar ts & Sciences, the College of Engineering and the Freeman College of Management • With 65 majors and more than 70 minors, we help you explore many different interests, meaning you’ll gr aduate with an arr ay of in- demand skills . • We have a 9 -to -1 student-facult y ratio and average class size of 20. That means our professors will know you and suppor t you in ever y a spec t of your education. • With more than 200 student clubs, you’ll discover something ama zing ever y day of the week and make lifelong friends . • Bucknell ’s housing and dining options are designed to make you feel at home. At Bucknell, we support our students as they explore their intellectual curiosity, and we empower them to become innovators in whatever field they choose. It starts in the classroom, where our world-class professors personally guide discovery in small groups. But it doesn’t end there. We are a living-learning community where students explore the ideas and theories they’re passionate about. This happens in laboratories, residence hall lounges, the local community and study-abroad programs around the world. It’s why our students graduate ready to make a difference and shape the world they live in. GO BE YOND THE CL AS SROOM AND E XPERIENCE THE RE A L WORLD Learn more at go.bucknell.edu/ InternationalStudents Li s ten to Our Podcas t Get your advice straight from the source: the admissions counselors who actually read student applications. In each 30-minute episode of College Admissions Insider, our biweekly podcast, students and families get timely, relevant advice. Listen at go.bucknell.edu/AdmissionsPodcast or wherever you get your podcasts. Read Our B log On our blog, we answer the questions students ask most. Will applying undecided hur t my chances? Should I use the Common App or the Coalition App? What makes an essay stand out? Visit go.bucknell.edu/AdmissionsBlog for these answers and many more. SUPPORT FOR YOUR COLLEGE SEARCH COLLEGE ADMISSIONS INSIDER PODCAST ADMISSIONS BLOG

Dickinson D I C K I N S O N is a community committed to diversity and inclusion, with more than 2,300 full-time students representing 38 states and territories, plus Washington, D.C., and 49 foreign countries. Among the current population, 21% are domestic students of color and 14% are international. Discover Dickinson College. Known for its innovative curriculum, global vision and commitment to sustainability initiatives, Dickinson is a four-year residential liberalarts and sciences college chartered in 1783 and located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. 8:1 STUDENT- FACULTY RATIO and 14 student average class 63% of Dickinsonians STUDY ABROAD (comp a re d t o l e s s t h a n 1 0% n a t i o n a l l y) INCLUDING: • 44% of science majors • 60% of student-athletes 93% of students have had an internship, service learning or research experience by graduation Students from the classes of 2018-20 pursued internships in 35+ COUNTRIES GRADUATE SCHOOL ACCEPTANCE RATES: 95% MEDICAL SCHOOL 94% LAW SCHOOL of Dickinson grads are EMP LOY ED, completing an I NT ERNSH I P, attending GRADUAT E SCHOOL or pursuing a F E L LOWSH I P one year after graduation 96% BY THE NUMBERS

Dickinson INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR $15,000 to $35,000 per year in merit scholarships, plus need-based financial aid. Major Spotlights Dickinson offers 46 majors, plus minors and certificates. Our academic program is flexible, without a restrictive set of core courses, and about 20% of students double major. DATA ANA LY T I CS Dickinson’s newest major is designed to allow future leaders to apply the power of data to the world’s most complex problems across myriad fields and experiences. And while the discipline of data analysis lies at the intersection of computer science, mathematics and statistics, the new major will feature additional multidisciplinary content to form a rigorous program that’s even more relevant to an ever-changing world. COMPUT ER SC I ENCE The Dickinson computer science curriculum emphasizes the profound ideas and techniques that enable computers to solve problems, transcending any one application or technology. As a computer science major, you’ll learn to work in teams, acquire communication skills, design software in multiple programming languages and become prepared for a life in which technology continually interacts with society. I NT ERNAT I ONA L BUS I NE S S & MANAGEMENT Dickinson is one of very few liberal-arts colleges to offer a business major. Successful business decisions demand a comprehensive understanding of our complex world with lessons taken from studies across many fields, which a liberal-arts education is best able to provide. In addition, experiential opportunities like internships and study abroad cultivate creative and critical-thinking capabilities, facility in foreign language and comfort in roles that call for leadership, teamwork, collaboration and intercultural awareness. QUANT I TAT I VE ECONOM I CS Quantitative economics applies mathematical concepts, models and theories to economic issues. This specialized field is great for students seeking careers in economics, consulting or data analysis—or anyone who wants to go on to graduate school in any of those or connected areas. Take the Next Step To learn more about Dickinson, tell us a little about you! C L I CK OR SCAN CODE C L I CK OR SCAN CODE S O O M I N K I M ’ 1 8 (South Korea; international business & management, Chinese) won the 2018 Miss Korea competition and is pursuing a master’s in journalism at Columbia University. J O O J O O C R A N ’ 1 7 (Accra, Ghana; international business & management, French & Francophone studies) is a technology consultant for Deloitte Ghana. TA O X U ’ 2 1 (Yangzhou, China; biochemistry & molecular biology, neuroscience) is pursuing a master of medical sciences in immunology at Harvard University School of Medicine. A S H I R B O R A H ’ 1 9 (Guwahati, Assam, India; math and computer science) is a computational biologist in the cancer data science program at the MIT/Harvard Broad Institute. N I C O L E TA M VA K A ’ 2 0 (Athens, Greece; neuroscience, mathematics) is pursuing a Ph.D. in neuroscience at the Mayo Clinic Graduate School for Biomedical Sciences. B E V E R L E Y- C L A I R E O K O G W U ’ 2 1 (Grenada; computer science) is a software engineer for Oracle and will pursue a master’s in computer science and robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. I NT ERNAT I ONA L S TUDENT SUCCE S S Discover what some of our grads are doing!

Jayce thinks it does because it is the job he carved out for himself as an award winning documentary filmmaker. To do this, Jayce forged his path and seized opportunities. That is not for everyone, but Jayce’s adventurous spirit always meant that he was going to follow his passion. And his passion is for descriptive storytelling. He tells the stories of artists, craftspeople, musicians, and anyone interesting he meets along the way. People and their stories have always fascinated Jayce. “I like people a lot. I am extroverted to a fault.” It made sense to him to use visual narratives to explore their stories. As a documentary maker, you need to have the ability to highlight ideas from different angles and find stories in unexpected places. Jayce’s Third Culture Kid experience was perfect training. “I was born in Alberta, Canada, but grew up in Russia and Saudi Arabia.” This gave Jayce an open-minded approach to life. took the offer and spent the next five years learning on the job. The lessons he learned were invaluable. But slowly, his dream job began to feel like a “real grind.” Jayce had his own distinct vision for what documentary film-making could be. He wanted to try doing things his own way, but felt his job did not allow him to do so. Jayce knew he wanted something different. He enjoyed working with clients and the management that went along with documentary making and commercial work. But following his vision meant taking a new path into unknown territory. He had to have faith in himself. The idea of running his own production company was liberating. But it was also terrifying. However, he said his family’s moral support helped him a lot. “My parent’s belief in me made my purchase of equipment and risks feel less intense.” He started off small. As an independent After high school, Jayce said he wasn’t ready to go straight to university. “At that time, all I wanted to do was play guitar, travel, and meet girls.” So Jayce traveled and worked for a few years before he decided he was ready to study again. “I started university, and gravitated towards the arts. Especially photography, video art, and digital film production.” But advice from his teacher, Brian, is what really fired-up Jayce’s motivation. “The first day in Film Production 350 class, he told us that if we truly tried our best, embraced failures, and followed our bliss, he would give us an A.” Brian was an important mentor to Jayce as he refined his work and style. Jayce uses strong visual imagery to explore the human condition. His raw talent quickly attracted attention. While studying, he was offered a job at a large production company. Although it meant leaving his course early, it was an opportunity too good to pass. So Jayce Does getting paid to travel, capture footage, and produce documentaries sound like a great career? A day filming on the water in British Columbia Multi-media Producer: J AY C E

documentary maker, Jayce didn’t get to work with huge budgets, so he had to rely on creativity and lean into his own visual “voice.” This offered him the freedom to choose to work on things that he cared about. He felt that was a real win. Over time, Jayce realized that the relationships he had built were the real value later in his career. “People and relationships will be your biggest asset.” This was especially true when a huge moment arrive for Jayce. National Geographic called to talk about hiring him for a project. “I thought it was a prank call because the number was from Hong Kong. It ended up being a job where he could choose his best buddies in the industry and spend two weeks working off the West coast of Canada. “We had a lot of fun.” His company, Approach Media, is now an established video production company and he no longer has to do everything alone. Jayce has a fantastic team of creatives and credits connections and relationships as the most important part of success. What advice would he give to others? “Oh man, I would say just be honest with yourself. Find something you are good at and enjoy doing. That is probably the only thing that will really captivate your energy. Don’t be afraid to take risks and have some fun with it.” Most importantly of all, Jayce says, “follow your bliss.” Want to see examples of Jayce’s work? For his demo reel and featured work go to his website at: Approach Media “Don’t be afraid to take risks and have some fun with it ... follow your bliss” Jayce at work in the Squamish Valley Jayce’s drone capturing spectacular footage of Terrace, British Columbia.

The importance of soft skills today and in the future Different industry and academic experts agree on the increasing importance of soft skills for youngsters today. The shift is most visible in today ’s job market. “ Today, employers make decisions based on a mix of hard and soft skills, whereas, in the past, the emphasis was put on purely hard skills as well as academic degrees,” explains Naomi Depaux, EHL Senior Admissions Manager. Likewise, schools have begun developing soft skills on an academic level. For if students can’t think critically, communicate, collaborate, and organize their schoolwork, they have little hope for success in the professional world. Soft skills young people have and the ones they need Most teenagers and young professionals have soft skills from the home and school environment, extra-curricular activities, and virtual communication tools that they favor. For example, many of today ’s youngsters are already good at communication and cultural awareness. They often have the capacity to build excellent rapport with others. However, our panel of experts agreed that youngsters must develop some soft skills further, such as: • Teamwork and collaboration • Communication skills • Empathy, manners, and business etiquette • Interaction with cultures and personalities • Creativity and critical thinking The best way for teens to develop soft skills Soft skills emerge in the home environment during a child’s formative years, but soft skills grow the fastest for teens in the school environment through peer interactions. At this age, they also develop easily online because teens appreciate online games and social media. Pre-university courses with a hospitality focus, such as EHL’s Junior Academy, are designed to develop key soft skills for future academic and professional success. These courses help young people to develop transferable soft skills with immediate benefits, such as: • Developing their people skills and leadership mindset • Boosting their CV to stand out on applications • Meeting like-minded young people from other countries • Networking and learning with industry experts • Opening their career horizons • Defining their ideal university program and location • Applying academic theory in a real-life context • Practicing verbal and non-verbal communication skills “ The great thing about summer courses is that they are short & sweet! You can identify your interests, make new friends, and benchmark yourself,” says Patrik Bruhlmann, Group CEO & Director of the Board, Pacific Healthcare Group of Companies. For young people seeking an international career in business, EHL’s Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management is particularly good for soft skills development. It balances real-world practice and theory in the industry with the development of analytical and critical-thinking skills to solve complex business challenges. And it offers a multicultural environment, where interacting and observing others’ reactions helps students to perfect key soft skills for an international workplace. Other ways to develop soft skills for young people Additionally, it is important for young people to develop their soft skills through volunteer work, extracurricular activities, work experience, internships, and other activities that push them out of their comfort zone. Hamid Banna, an EHL Alumnus of 1975 and hospitality consultant, underlines that extracurricular activities confront the young generation with real situations, to make them sensible to interactions with others, and teach them to adapt and act according to the situation with emotional intelligence. In conclusion, it ’s clear that developing soft skills offers multiple benefits for teenagers, including the advantage of clarifying their strengths and career choices and widening their opportunities. And soft skills are qualities that universities and employers will value even more in the future. Luckily, it ’s easy to convince teens to develop these skills with fun, inspiring options such as those offered at EHL Hospitality Business School. → Visit ehl.edu EHL HOSPITALITY BUSINESS SCHOOL Soft skills development for young people: The key to a successful future! In our fast-changing world, soft skills are undeniably crucial for teenagers and young professionals who want to establish the foundations of an impactful future. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum and LinkedIn, the most important skill sets needed for jobs in 2025 and beyond are almost all soft skills. Here, industry and academic experts from EHL Hospitality Business School and others share their vision of soft skills and offer concrete advice on how to develop them in young people. Soft skills versus hard skills and business skills Soft skills are notoriously difficult to quantify. They resemble personality traits, yet they are learnable behaviors and attitudes. People develop soft skills through personal experience and interactions with others, and they are transferrable to any industry. On the other hand, hard skills or technical skills can be acquired at school or during job training. They are content-based and centered on the tools and techniques required to perform certain functions. “Soft skills could be described mainly as skills that a human can do that a computer cannot.” Rachel Quandalle, Career Advisor.

“Soft skills development today is indispensable for young peoples’ integration in society and the job market.” Regis Gaunet EHL Alumnus of 1993 Immersion Days EHL Aca demy DISCOVER NEW COURSES Understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur, a general manager, an online marketer, or simply develop insights, skills (such as leadership) and your mindset on different subjects related to business, hospitality, and personal development and communication. Learn while having fun on Immersion Days! Team activities, projects and the chance to win prizes with your group. Learning day to explore hospitality, business & yourself Choose your city, date & topic Online June 11&12, 2022 Basics of Hospitality Management Dubai May 7, 2022 Effectiveness in people interaction Athens May 14, 2022 Effectiveness in people interaction Milan May 21, 2022 Entrepreneurial Mindset Lima May 26, 2022 Trends in restaurant concepts Paris June 11, 2022 Public Speaking Mastery Shanghai July 10, 2022 Insights into luxury → More session available online, visit our website Special conditions may apply per location CHF 420.- 4 to 6 Hours 14 to 19 yo • Develop skills and leadership mindset • Boost your CV and stand out • Learn and apply academic theory in real-life context with industry professionals • Meet like-minded young talents • Open your career horizons • EHL Immersion Days Certificate Would you like to take every opportunity to grow? Be proactive and develop competencies that you can take everywhere with you. Immersion days give you the opportunity to step in the world of business and hospitality in a city close to you, or online.

Our Pillars TECHNOLOGICAL IMMERSION AND A CULTURE OF INNOVATION At IE University our students are immersed in a technologically innovative environment, preparing them to take a leadership role in the modern world ’s new digitally transformed landscape. ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET IE University breeds entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, creating an ecosystem that expands far beyond the confines of the campus, where students and graduates can grow and develop their innovative startups. THE LENS OF THE HUMANITIES IE University understands the Humanities are key in understanding the reality of our world, applying key critical-thinking skills to complex, global challenges. A DIVERSE EXPERIENCE Diversity is at the heart of who we are. Our rich mix of nationalities, ideas and perspectives make up the fabric of IE University. With students, graduates and professors from more than 160 countries, our campus is a truly international hub. DISCOVER MORE We train the future, the future is yours IE UNIVERSITY IS AN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION WITH A PRACTICE-BASED APPROACH THAT GOES BEYOND THE CLASSROOM WALLS. Based in Spain, IE University has an urban campus in Madrid and a historic and cultural campus in Segovia. All our programs are taught in English, though students will also have the opportunity to learn Spanish with their peers and through complementary language courses. The student body is made up of over 130 nationalities and 75% of the student body is international. At IE University, students can personalize their programs through electives and advanced seminars that complement their interests to build their own academic journeys. We have strategic exchange partnerships with over 200 universities around the world. TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION Global University Employability Ranking 2021 University in Spain #1 University in Europe #6 University Worldwide #19 Diego Rubio Gutierrez Business Administration Student, IE Entrepreneurs Club President At the Entrepreneurship Club, we strive to be the main gateway for students to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams through our events, connections, and guidance. As a student club, we’ve had nothing but the full support of IE University and complete faith in our vision to succeed.” CHECK OUT OUR VIRTUAL CAMPUS TOURS

Pre College Activities IE University has helped me put my passions into practice. I’ve been able to explore more and find sources to work in these areas. Emily Swann Dual Degree in Laws and International Relations At IE University we are committed to providing an academically rigorous educational experience, using an innovative and practical methodology. We offer pre-university students the chance to experience practical and experiential learning with programs designed specifically for them. DISCOVER MORE Dual Degrees Business Administration + Data and Business Analytics Business Administration + International Relations Business Administration + Laws Laws + International Relations Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics + Data and Business Analytics Business Administration + Design Economics + International Relations Applied Mathematics Architectural Studies Behavior and Social Sciences Business Administration Communication and Digital Media Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Data and Business Analytics Design Economics International Relations Laws Philosophy, Politics, Law and Economics Undergraduate programs FIND OUT MORE FIND US ON @ieu_admissions @ieuniversity www.ie.edu/university/podcast

Destination: HONG KONG Frankie is a visual artist from Tokyo, Japan. A painter at heart, she creates murals, designs, and darumas (traditional Japanese dolls that symbolize luck, goal setting, and perseverance) to share with the world. Since childhood, Frankie had a love of painting. “It was a creative outlet for me, and I found it to be extremely therapeutic at times when I felt frustrated in life. Although I had other interests throughout high school, art was always my true passion and I was determined to make it my profession.” The driving force that led her to become an entrepreneur was her genuine dislike of following other people’s orders. “Becoming my own boss and doing things that came naturally to me was a way to prove to myself and others that I can do things my way.” So how did Frankie turn her passion into a business idea and become an entrepreneur? She watched and learned from other artists. It was important for her to be a freelance visual artist rather than working for a company, so she knew it was essential to understand how to present herself professionally and undertake commissioned jobs from beginning to end. Frankie began promoting herself as an artist while she was still in college. She always carried a handful of business cards ready to give out to people and consistently updated her portfolio on her website. From there, she made connections and kept in touch with people who offered her solo exhibitions as well as live painting and mural gigs. “Now I collaborate with brands and businesses like Google, Instagram, Starbucks, and Adobe.” Starting your own business is taking a leap of faith. It can be terrifying for some, but it wasn’t for Frankie. “I was always confident in myself me. I was offered work in various industries including fashion, tech, travel, entertainment, hospitality, and more.” Each project kept getting bigger and she even painted a 200 meter mural for a parking lot in West Palm Beach, Florida! Being a freelance artist allows Frankie to choose her own projects and set her own schedule. But sometimes she says she stretches herself too thin. “I’ve learned to take breaks in between in order to manage myself better, so I can perform better.” Frankie’s advice? “Look how others are doing it as a career and learn from them. Don’t be afraid to ask how they got to where they are now. Some careers don’t require a college education, and even though a degree isn’t always required in the art and design industry, I’m so glad I went to the School of Visual Arts in New York City. SVA’s approach was very hands-on and everything I experienced in college helped me become a professional and shaped me to become the artist I am today.” Want to see more? For more of Frankie’s stunning work? Go to: IG @furpuff or Frankie-cihi.com and determined enough to figure it out. There were setbacks along the way of course, but I worked through each issue and I’m glad where I am now.” One of the most exciting moments in Frankie’s journey was when she appeared on a reality TV show in Japan called Terrace House. “My life changed so much because people recognized Are you the creative type who wants to be your own boss? Wondering how you can turn that dream into a reality? Read Frankie’s story to learn how. “Look how others are doing it ... Don’t be afraid to ask how they got to where they are now.” Frankie’s mural in West Palm Beach, Florida Frankie Chi - Mural Artist

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